The Guild will coordinate all promotional activities associated with the Cause, and will operate under the sponsorship and direction of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova.
The task before friars, relatives, and friends of Fr. Bill, is to spread the word, to promote awareness, and to gather information that can assist the Cause. We invite those who knew Father Bill, or who benefited from his ministry, or were touched by his example, to send their remembrances, testimony or notice of favors received to the address indicated below.
A Secondary role of the Guild is to collect funds in support of the Cause. The Guild will be responsible for covering the operating costs incurred from the production and distribution of promotional materials, as well as those attached to the canonical requirements, such as the publication of an authorized biography, the printing of documents and the work of the Postulator General’s Office.
To become a member of the Guild, please submit the form below. You will receive a document of enrollment and will receive correspondence on the progress of the Cause. There is no enrollment fee.
All correspondence regarding Fr. Bill and the Cause, requests for holy cards and donations should be directed to:
Fr. Bill’s Cause
Augustinian Provincial Offices
P.O. Box 340
Villanova, pa 19085